19 August 2024 I’m heading to Tokyo again for two more book talks. On Monday August 19, I’ll be giving a literary lecture titled “Silence and Memory in After Darkness”. Meisei University in Hinoshi, Tokyo. From 2pm. Bldg No. 28, Presentation Room 100-3 (opposite the 1st floor entrance of the Library), 2-1-1, Hodokubo, Hinoshi. Register here: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/1TQ0o449hKsMN50iWLvo8BE21gtNa1Rd_e4SF-sk3H8E/viewform?edit_requested=true More info: http://www.christinepiper.com/book-talk-august-20
17 August 2024 Join me in Tokyo for a bilingual discussion with Kawamura Kazuyuki, activist and author of Unit 731: The road to bacterial warfare 1931–1940. Together, we will be talking about our research into Unit 731 and efforts to bring recognition to the victims. Saturday August 17. Musashino Chamber of Commerce & Industry, Kichijoji. From 1:30pm. RSVP: jinkotsu731@yahoo.co.jp More info: www.christinepiper.com/unit-731-event-august-17
6 May 2024 To mark the publication of After Darkness (暗闇の後で) in Japan, I’ll be discussing my research with the novel’s translator, Masashi Hojo – whose father was a pearl diver interned in Australia during the 1940s. 3pm at Tokyo University of Foreign Studies. Contact: yuriko.yamanouchi@tufs.ac.jp More info: https://bit.ly/4d2Pa65
10 August 2023 After Darkness has been translated into Japanese and is now available in Japan! 暗闇の後で (Kurayami no Atode), translated by Masashi Hojo, can be purchased from Amazon Japan and here: https://www.kadensha.net/book/b10033487.html
15 March 2021 Term 2 of my novel-writing course kicks off on March 15. This six-week online course for beginner to intermediate writers will give you the boost you need to forge ahead with your manuscript. See: https://mirrabookawriters.com/courses/p/novel-writing-term2-2021
20 January 2021 Excited to be teaching a 6-week online novel-writing class through Mirrabooka Writers! Join me for a deep-dive into your novel-in-progress from January 20th, 7:30pm-9:30pm Australian Eastern Standard Time. All classes will run live via Zoom. Most the learning will take place through group workshopping (class is limited to eight) – we’ll dissect and discuss your novel with respect and rigour. https://mirrabookawriters.com/courses/p/novel-writing-term1-2021
2 January 2021 Check out my short fiction “All the colours of the rainbow” (written in an hour!) for Visual Verse Anthology, which explores the intersection between image and the written word. Writers are given an image as a prompt and asked to write something within an hour, no longer than 500 words.
27 November 2019 I’m giving a talk about the flow state and how it can boost your writing at the Australasian Association of Writing Programs Annual Conference held at UTS in Sydney: https://www.uts.edu.au/aawp2019
16 October 2019 Join me for a free public talk about my in-progress second novel, to mark the end of my stint as the Copyright Agency’s New Writer-in-Residence at UTS in 2019. It’s been grand! https://www.uts.edu.au/about/faculty-arts-and-social-sciences/events/writing-between-lecture-christine-piper
28 July 2019 I’m featured on this YouTube channel dedicated to helping would-be writers. Here I am talking about my novel-writing process: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gZoXi8itcik
5 June 2019 Catch me at the State Library of NSW talking about how novelists and journalists draw upon historical research in their writing. $10 https://www.sl.nsw.gov.au/events/historical-authority-and-alternative-voices
18 March 2019 I have been chosen as the 2019 Copyright Agency’s New Writer’s Fellow at my alma mater, the University of Technology, Sydney. I’m thrilled to take up the $40K award which involves liaising with students. http://newsroom.uts.edu.au/news/2019/03/fellowship-will-help-tell-story-thwarted-love-adventure-and-ancient-fish
1 June 2018 Amazon Australia has chosen After Darkness as one of its Prime Reading titles, meaning members can read it for free. https://www.amazon.com.au/kindle-dbs/hz/bookshelf/prime
12 September 2017 I am delighted to receive a generous grant from the Australia Council to complete my second novel (working title: Lena & Esmond). I was awarded one of the highly sought-after individual artist grants.
1 March 2017 After Darkness has been included on the Year 12 English reading list for students in Victoria.
"The text deals with a number of timeless ideas, including friendship, identity, trauma, loss and change. Possibly the most significant is the issue of personal conscience—the conflict every individual faces when confronted with the differences between what they really believe is right and what is held to be right by tradition or society."
8 November 2016 Amazon Australia has chosen After Darkness as one of its Kindle Unlimited titles. www.amazon.com.au/kindleunlimited
27 February 2016 Christine will discuss After Darkness and its themes of identity, otherness and the immigrant experience at the University of Southern California. http://dornsife.usc.edu/events/site/192/579043/
3 June 2015 After Darkness is one of three books shortlisted for the Dobbie Literary Award. http://www.perpetual.com.au/kibble
18 May 2015 After Darkness has been shortlisted for the Miles Franklin Literary Award. http://www.theguardian.com/books/2015/may/18/debut-novelist-christine-piper-joins-shortlist-for-2015-miles-franklin-prize
9 April 2015 After Darkness has been longlisted for the Dobbie Literary Award, recognising the work of a first-time published female author. See www.perpetual.com.au/pdf/MR-Kibble-2015-longlist.pdf
31 March 2015 After Darkness has been longlisted for the prestigious Miles Franklin Literary Award, for "a novel which is of the highest literary merit and presents Australian life in any of its phases". More: www.smh.com.au/entertainment/books/miles-franklin-literary-award-longlist-2015-omar-musa-suzanne-mccourt-and-christine-piper-hit-it-big-with-debut-works-20150331-1mbivm.html
29 January 2015 After Darkness has been shortlisted for the Indie Book Awards in the "Debut Fiction" category, as nominated by Australia's independent booksellers.
28 January 2015 After Darkness is out in the purse-friendly smaller B-format size that's friendly on the wallet, too! See www.allenandunwin.com/default.aspx?page=96 or visit your local bookseller.
27 August 2014 After Darkness has been shortlisted for the inaugural Readings New Australian Writing Award, alongside five other works of fiction. The award was established to increase the commercial success of first or second books by Australian authors.
15 August 2014 SMH online: "Japanese internment a dark chapter of Australian history" by Christine Piper. An overview of Australia's little-known civilian internment program during World War II, and the havoc it wreaked. Could the same thing happen today?
6 August 2014 Christine's Calibre Prize-winning essay, "Unearthing the Past", has been translated into Spanish and published online: http://hermanocerdo.com/2014/08/desenterrando-el-pasado/
3 August 2014 Ockham's Razor segment on ABC Radio National: "After Darkness and the war experience for Japanese "enemy aliens" in Australia".
11 June 2014 Three Australian writers living in New York, three very different books. Join Georgia Clark, Rachel Hills and Christine Piper as they discuss their writing careers and the perks and pitfalls of being in New York. 7pm, ROX Gallery. http://goo.gl/p0Vsqe
Photo by Elliot Goldstein